Be Invisible

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the perfect guy :)

mlm niey ak hepi snad cuz kw kul ak tdie . wah , best yea .kw ta abis abis wt ak glak . hehe ! kw mmg badut d'aty ak . haha ! jgn mwh . ak syunkk gler at kw . smpai matyy syunkk kw . kw la lelaki yg pling perfect bgie ak . ak syunkk plusplusplus at kw . kalo ak tngglkn kw agie . mmg ak akn menyesal smpai matyy . hnye kw lelaki yg pling perfect yg ak prnh jmpea . skunk niey mybe kw kurang lyn ak tpie ta pea . ak phm . ak ta ksh pun tpie kw jgn lpeakn ak tros suda . kalo kw lpeakn ak . ak tembak kw . haha ! bdoh bdoh jea ak niey un . tdie kw kte msea kw shoot pic pngntin . kw jelez tngok pngntin un . ta mw jelez jelez . insyaallah kte akn cmtu gak . tnggu jeala . skunk niey kw shoot pic dorang . akn dtg dorang shoot pic kte pulakk . hehe . skea ak . papea pun . ak arap kte kkal smpai blea blea . sayunkk kw plusplusplus . mmmuuuaaahh . miz u a lot !